This page sponsored by Craig Newmann, real estate agent:

What can you tell us to contribute to local small businesses, and how can we help you grow your business?

Small Business Assist

Entrepreneurs generally make every mistake possible before succeeding. The value of mentoring and sharing these experiences can make a big difference to just-starting entrepreneurs, AND in the life of a community.

Call us to discuss your hurdles and your successes in starting and running your small business.

Get On Board!

Your email address is your ticket to deep discounts on valuable services for home and small business. AND you help the community build economic MOMENTUM!

Your email address will never be shared.

Welcome Aboard!

Your email address is your ticket to steep discounts on valuable computer and marketing services that help rural homes and small businesses all along the old Rock Island Railroad corridor, and surrounding communities in central Missouri. Rock Island Trades receives ZERO outside funding. So please consider hiring Craig Newmann for any of the services found on our home page. Also, please know you now have a friend in the real estate business. Thanks! Your email address will never be shared